Hi ... here are samples and infos to the "multiplexed PES", i've told you. 001.vdr is the video file, only some seconds long, inkluding sound. mplex.tar.bz2 is a converter from .vdr to e.g. MPEG2 (GPL, only source). for me it has never worked ;-(, it cant remux the film, but make it to mpeg2 video und audio. i think it can be usefull. xlist.c is a program (from an GPL-programmer) for parsing an dumping these files (don't ask me, what parsing an dumping means.) he uses it for testing. here infos from the programmer of xlist.c (translated to english): The Fileformat is called, as i know, "multiplexed PES". It exists of PES-pakets, "00 00 01 E0" for video and "00 00 01 C0" for audio. Get the programm ftp://ftp.cadsoft.de/pub/people/kls/vdr/xlist.c With this Programm the format will be parst and dumped. I use it for testing. It's only a "quick hack", but it maybe helps. if any questions, more samples or something else contact me. mfg Johannes Feigl jaf.corporation@gmx.at